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I want to try a club (excuse me for not speaking spanish)


I am finally coming down to my apartement in Torrevieja again after a long covid break. I have missed all the beautiful women. This time I really want to try to go to a club. I have considered D'Angelo, but it seems a bit to professionale for me. Any suggestions? My thing is that I really like to see girls presenting them selfes for me, and giving me a choice. When calling an escort, you never know how they look before they open the door. But, if going to a club, is it much more expensive than going on a visit to an escort?


Miembro del equipo
As far as I know clubs are often more expensive than "escorts" and the service is not that good. I've never paid for a service in a club, but Ikia may help you, I think he knows about some clubs in that region. Just curious, are you norwegian? How's the situation regarding sex work there? Also, I've noticed that D'Angelo uses many fake pictures, probably not a very trustworthy place.


Miembro del equipo
Good afternoon JhonNorway, ask Vincent52, he knows the area where you are better. you can try Pipo's and Sala Luxx.


Dios santo!, vaya nivelaco. Los de mi generación llegamos tarde al inglés, en mi época de instituto recuerdo que en primero de bachiller éramos 5 cursos, y solo uno era de inglés, el resto era francés. Después la cosa fue cambiando y hasta ahora, me alegro mucho por vosotros compañeros que domineis tb, la lengua de shakespeare.


Thanks guys. I have an apartment in the area. Norway is freaking cold, and girls is against the law to buy, and if you are caught there is a fine at approximately 2500 euros. Price pr hour is minimum 200 euros, and as in Spain, very often fake photos.
I Have been at El Hito a couple of times (before covid). I just love to sit in that sofa, looking at the girls present themselves to me. Hard to choose, but I love it.


Miembro del equipo
Interesting. Thanks for the info, mate. Spain is probably the cheapest or one of the cheapest places in Europe regarding sex.


Everything has changed with the pandemic.
Some places disappeared. Others lowered their quality.
El Hito is a good example. It was such a great place. But not any more.

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